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slsa : annual report, 1924-25 
Surf life Saving Association of Australia  :
Seventeenth Annual Report and Balance Sheet, 1924-1925.

Extracts from:
Surf Life Saving Association of Australia:
Annual Report and Balance Sheet 1924-1925.
The Manly Daily Print, 18 Sydney Road, Manly.

The phamplet is unpaginated, hence the pages are identified here alphabetically.
Of particular interest are the comments relating to the items exhibited at the British Empire Exhibition (Wembly) and C.D. Paterson's world tour in 1924 as a representative of the Surf Life Saving Association of Australia.

While Paterson's comments about most other countries' beaches are derisive, for modern surfboard riders his comments on Waikiki are almost inexplicable: "the waves being practically only suitable for boards", emphasis added.

While the specifics of the British shark net are not detailed, in the future Australian beachside councils would employ such devices in an attempt to improve the safety of surf bathers.

The cover notes that the SLSA was "Established 1906", although by the Twentieth Report of 1927-1928 this has been revised to "Established 1908".

The cover is emphatic in recording the number of "lives saved" in red ink- for this edition the total is 12,000.
The Nineteenth Annual Report of 1926-1927 recorded "13,820 LIVES SAVED".
The Twentieth Annual Report of 1927-1928 recorded "15,283 LIVES SAVED".

Page A

The work of the Association has been conducted in the absence of our President, Mr. C. D. Paterson, since February last, under the direction of Mr. J. Garlick as acting President.
Though Mr. Garlick has been busily occupied in his public position as chairman of the Main Roads Board, he has given much time to the affairs of the Association.
His valuable advice and direction have been at all times at our disposal, and we fell that we could have had nobody better to hold the reins of office in the absence of Mr. Paterson.

Captain Holmes, in his capacity as Chairman of Council, has worked unremittingly, and his long experience and general knowledge of Association affairs have enabled him to preserve continuity and harmony of action on the part of the Executive.


lt was reported with regret last year that the set of photos, depicting Surfing and Surf Life-saving activities in New South Wales, despatched to the British Empire Exhibition, had not reached their destination.
We are now happy to state that the loss was made good by the Federal Government, and a new set of photos, together with specimens of all our Surf Life-saving gear, etc., occupied a prominent position in the Australian section at Wembley this year.
Mr. C. D. Paterson, our President, personally viewed the exhibit, expressing himself well pleased with the prominence it was given, and stating that it attracted a good deal of attention and interest.

A request has been received from the South Kensington (London) Science Museum authorities, asking that the models of our surf boat and surf life-saving equipment be donated to their Museum. This might be taken as a high compliment to the Association.

During our Presidents tour abroad, he took the opportunity of studying everything possible in the way of beach bathing, surf life-saving, etc.
He is now convinced that there are no beaches in the world to equal those of Australia and no surf life-saving organisation as efficient as that of New South Wales.

Mr. Paterson visited a number of beaches in England and found the open bathing facilities quite inadequate.
In some cases intending bathers had to wait in queues to obtain admission to the dressing accommodation, which mostly consisted of bathing boxes on wheels and small tents.

The beaches (Margate, Broadstairs, and Ramsgate) are narrow, and the sand of a dark, discoloured nature; but the surroundings are beautifully laid out with gardens, etc.

Page B

The famous Ostend beach is a long, uninteresting strip, bathing boxes occupying much of its area. The chief attractions there appear to be the casinos and other places of amusement fronting the beach.

At the time Mr. Paterson visited Coney Island (U.S.A.). there was a crowd of about 750,000 people holiday making.
The beach was crowded to such an extent that the sand was practically invisible.
The proportion actually in the water was comparatively small.
The water was calm and icy cold, and cramp appeared to be the greatest danger to be contended with.
Paid life guards patrolled the beach.

Coney Island is near New York, and is the chief holiday resort of the masses of that City.

At San Francisco Mr. Paterson witnessed !a dual drowning fatality at the local beach, chiefly owing to the lack of life-saving facilities.
Our President later approached the Chairman of Municipal Parks and interested him in the surf life-saving facilities in New South Wales.
Several of our handbooks have since been forwarded in addition to other matter.
Adjacent to the beach at San Francisco there is a swimming pool 1,000 feet long and 200 feet wide.
It is suitably heated and tiled throughout.

Mr. Paterson states that the Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, has not the attractiveness or beauty of Sydney beaches, but the water is warm and crystal clear, and bathing is delightful.
There is practically nobody shooting, the waves being practically only suitable for boards and
outrigger canoes.

As a result of an interview with the British Naval authorities, Mr. C. D. Paterson secured plans of a shark net which might prove adaptable to Sydney Beaches.
The scheme is of too extensive a nature to be detailed here, but it has been placed before various municipal councils, and more will be heard of the matter in the near future.
Our thanks are due to the British Admiralty for the courteous and kindly treatment which was extended to our President.

During the course of his journey to England in February Iast, our President (Mr. C. D. Paterson) paid a greatly appreciated visit to the surf life-saving club at Cotlesloe Beach, Western Australia.
The Cottesloe Club plays an important part in the control of the beach and surfing matters, and arranges various forms of swimming and athletic carnivals.

Great pride is taken in the surf life-saving reels which were forwarded from Sydney, and, with the aid of our Handbook, the members should soon be efficient in the methods as practised and taught by our Association.

The Cottesloe Club is hopeful of being in a position to send a team to Sydney in the near future, with a view to being coached and examined in the methods of this Association.

One of the most successful functions yet held by the Association was the welcome home dinner tendered to our President, Mr. C. D. Paterson, on his return from a world tour.
About 160 members, representative of all clubs on the coast, attended, and the places of honour were occupied by members of both Houses of Parliament and kindred bodies.

The function was so greatly enjoyed that it is proposed to make it a precedent of an annual surf life-saving dinner, to mark the opening of the season, and serve as a suitable occasion for the presentation of our Meritorious Awards and Championship Trophies gained during the year.

Surf Life Saving Association of Australia:
Seventeenth Annual Report and 
Balance Sheet 1924-1925.
The Manly Daily Print, 
18 Sydney Road, Manly.

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Geoff Cater (2008) : SLSA Australia : Annual Report, 1924-1925.